A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Thankful for wonderful friends and a beautiful city :)

Well I woke up feeling shattered, yet somehow still refreshed from Fellowship Group the night before and with promise of an evening at the theatre to keep me going.

Locked away in a wee work room and with one too many cups of tea I managed to get a good amount of work done. Not as much as I would have liked, but enough. I suspect that had I not had evening plans I would have been tempted to stay late. In fact, at one point in the morning I questioned my wisdom in making such plans.

But..catching up with Cam over a tasty dinner*, putting the world to rights as we walked and enjoying the excellent play that is Pressure? That was just what I needed :)

And having studied the book of Ruth recently, I'm ever more convinced that there is a lot more behind every "it just so happens..." and seemingly inconsequential timing of a thing than meets the eye. God is good.

*it turns out not much changes from undergrad to postgrad; having dinner cooked for you when a deadline is approaching is still a huge treat!

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