Spent the morning sorting out transfers and car hire. Had a picnic under the trees near the beach. The birds here are obviously used to picnickers as they were very tame, even when Eva wanted to kiss them and went stomping over to them shouting 'Duck, Duck' (she thinks all birds are ducks for some reason!). Toby had a great time climbing the trees and Mike managed to get tree sap all over himself.

Got a bus to Mao in the afternoon. Had to run for it as we got told the wrong time by the tourist place and I'd gone back to the apartment for a few things. Way too hot for running!

Mao has a lovely harbour and we took a glass bottom boat around it. There wasn't much to see out of the bottom of the boat to be honest but Toby and Eva loved it. We hoped to stay in Mao for some tea and get the last bus back to Son Bou but couldnt find anywhere serving food early enough for the kids so we grabbed a snack and headed back for tea. Son Bou is lovely but there's not much variety on the food front - all fast food. Every single restaurant we've looked at the menu for has exactly the same childrens menu - everything comes with chips. I asked for baked potato / pasta / rice for the kids at the restaurant tonight and the lady looked at me like I'd asked her to fly us to the moon!! "just chips"!

Finally got T&E bathed and in bed and sat out on our balcony drinking wine and listening to the cicadas and some really weird unknown bird calls and the waves crashing on the shore in the distance.

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