New Kid In The Tree

Couldn't resist this little guy/gal. Soooo cute.

I've had better days and blip inspiration wasn't high on my list. Unfortunately, I'm still allergic to something and am once more covered in hives/rash of some sort. I've spent the day alternating between dousing myself with cortisone cream and eating ice cream (Ben & Jerry's Coffee Caramel Buzz). Each is helping in its own way. I did go to the doctor and am now back on Prednisone which I know isn't good but it did work the first time. I guess I can rule out the allergy to kale which I thought was responsible for the first hive adventure. It doesn't matter -- I wasn't going to eat anymore of the nasty stuff anyway.

I would truly like to be itch free by Monday when I go back to work. It's not accepted protocol to sit in the courtroom and scratch for a jury's entertainment.
Think good thoughts for me. Thanks.

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