In My World

By JoanneInOz

Lorikeet's in Paradise

The fluff-ball tree at the back of my son's unit was full of Rainbow Lorikeets this morning, and today they weren't so shy of the camera.

I don't think that any of them even noticed they were being watch as they hopped from branch to fluff ball and back again.

'Twas another long and tiring day of work at the unit. Most of the painting in the cupboards is now done, the kitchen is two-thirds of the way to completion and the vanity unit in the bathroom is ready to be tiled around. Later this week, Ben hopes to have the tiler back to finish off a few bits and pieces and the carpet to be laid....which means I have to have the last of the painting finished, asap!

It's Mono Monday tomorrow and I will be at Ben's unit again, so it will be interesting to see what I can find for this weeks challenge, "Entrances and Exits". :)

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