christopher haydon

By christopherh

Self portrait...

….after the fashion of Douglas Harding "the man who had no head" see more here about this pointing experiment.

But if you're walking down the street
Why don't you look down to the basement
For sitting very quietly there is a man who has no head
His eye is single and his whole body also is filled with light

One light, light that is one though the lamps be many
One light, light that is one though the lamps be many

And as he sits there, so he will walk all among you
And the streets are his and all the people
And even the temples and the whole world

And many's the time that he walks to the river
And seeing the tollman and seeing the ferryman
The light within him leaps to greet them
For he sees that their faces are none but his own

One light, light that is one though the lamps be many
One light, light that is one though the lamps be many

You'll never enjoy the world aright
"Till the sea itself floweth
In your veins till you are clothed
With the heavens and crowned with the stars"

Incredible String band

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