
By BrianMac

Wyre Forest

Meet up with R, P, Lot & Pip for a walk in Wyre Forest and then some lunch in a local pub before making our way home.

Wyre Forest is part of one of the largest ancient lowland coppice oak woodlands in England. The site supports an important invertebrate population that includes England’s largest colony of pearl-bordered fritillary butterflies.

Breeding birds in the area include redstart, pied flycatcher, wood warbler, buzzard and raven, while dipper, grey wagtail and kingfisher are found on the larger streams.

Mammals found in the reserve include, fallow, Roe and muntjac deer, polecats, otters and mink. Yellow neck mice, dormice, voles and water shrews are also found. Several bat species live in the area including pipistrelle and Daubenton's.

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