The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Alyssum flowers

It's a popular annual, tiny, but seen here in super macro. CleanSteve did some potting today, while I cleared out a nasty corner round the back of the house, behind the little bit that juts out of the back of the house that was used as the cold store/larder, when these houses were built in 1936.

Worst moment was clearing out a drain (with a teaspoon!) that had got clogged with fallen leaves. Best moment was discovering that the gloves we bought yesterday in Dudley ( who doesn't have several pairs of gardening gloves because none of them are quite right) are a good fit, and offer some protection.

I also dragged out the bikes from the bottom of the garden, and brought them up to the nearer-the-house level. It is my dream to actually ride my bike on an actual road. However, I am not great in traffic, so it may be enough to repair it and get practising on the canal towpaths.

Our garden is very steep, so is on several levels, all of which need a great deal of attention at the moment. This should be easier once we get the 'big tool' we bought yesterday fired up. As it has a petrol engine and is very noisy, we didn't use it today, for fear of disturbing the peace!

Later, I made some rice flour pancakes with home-produced beansprouts and carrots. I have to laugh: once, in the 80s, I went to Greenham Common anti-nuclear weapons peace camp. There I met a woman who had changed her name, for legal reasons, to Alfalfasprout Moon child. I keep expecting her to pop up in my kitchen like a genie every time I rinse out my beansprout collection.

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