
By scintilla

Dogwood Puddle Pics Turns Fifty

Boy do I feel old. My younger sister is soon to be a grandmother, and today my brother turns 50. He's 2 years and 8 months older than I am so my turn's coming.

I don't remember us fighting much while growing up, but nature has a way of extinguishing harsh memories, so I can't swear we were always civil. I do know that when I was a toddler, he pushed me into a bench resulting in a scar on my lip that today is disguised by a mustache. I personally have no memories of that incident. I got even (subconsciously) a few year later when I dropped some heavy decorative glass box on my big toe losing the toenail. All I could do is scream and point at my brother. That was enough for my grandmother to beat ass on him for hurting his little brother.

Our age difference meant we didn't hang out as teenagers much, but we did share an enjoyment of photography. We both shot and processed B&W in middle and high school. We (mostly he) built a decent home darkroom in a walk-in closet. I shot for the Collegian newspaper at Penn State. He submitted photo essays for his college and or post graduate applications (this was the 70's man, free expression).

It's hard to take a sibling seriously, but I happen to know he's quintessential professional (despite his outward appearance). A few years back, I crossed paths with a professional mentor of mine in Switzerland of all places. We went out to dinner and in the course of the evening my friend realized he knew my brother and had worked with him for a year. He had all these glowing accolades for him and said he was one of the smartest people he knew. This is the same guy shooting fireworks under closed doors.

We have been geographically separated since he left for college and I subsequently joined the Air Force. Although much about us has diverged since then (politics, body habitus, grooming, piercings), we always fall into a good comfortable place when we have an opportunity to be together. We don't waste much time with each other on the phone, but we have a good connection nonetheless.

I'm pleased that he has joined the Blip community. In the short couple of weeks he's participated, I feel our connection has been enhanced. I enjoy his written wit, and I love his visual perspective. I feel he has a talented eye for composure much like my daughter Calico. What I lack in talent, I try to compensate for with high tech (expensive) hardware and software manipulation. I hope I don't create a monster, but for his birthday I sent him Photoshop Elements 5.0 (yes I'm too cheap to buy him the full Monty CS3) plus a third party manual. I hope that compels him to stay with Blip for a long time.

Much like Benek and Bluesheep, we'll be getting together on the East Coast for beach time with other extended family in less than two weeks. I'm really looking forward to it. We'll have to search for internet access so we can keep our blips current.

For those of you who haven't been introduced to his blips, check out Dogwood Puddle Pics and wish him a happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Bro'!!!!

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