Inside Job

It's funny what people will talk about when they think that there is only a dog listening. This morning as we were waiting for the faithful to assemble for the "B" team walk, the ladies were chatting to each other and it appears that they all share some sort of a relationship with a bloke called Jim.
It also appears that this involves early morning visits, several times a week, without their husbands. This bloke seems to hold a special place with the ladies with one in particular waxing lyrical about him being responsible for her ability to continue to bend while others stated that they considered him responsible for their increased general flexibility. AND there was discussion about taking clothes off and showering too.
This is heavy stuff for a young dog I thought but The Boss just laughed and said you wouldn't catch him going there.
Well he wouldn't would he...he's a bloke. I wonder if there is a Jimesse?

Another inside job was this mornings Blip. Shot from inside the bedroom AND I am saying nothing about the dress standard at that time either.

OH and brarking news..... The Boss is on display on acyclinggranny's journal. This is what happens when you don't share your Tan slice with your faithful dog. The faithful dog gets distracted and goes off to the Jim. After all we can all use some extra flex eh?

Inside Out?

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