
By MarkRBunting


Today I went and met up with a friend in Melbourne. Despite planning to meet up at 12pm, she wasn't awake till half 1, so I killed time using the free WiFi at the Public Library round the corner from the hostel she is staying/working at.

After meeting up we walked around a bit grabbed some lunch and went to find a store she had heard about. The store was (as pictured above) called Treats From Home. Its like the English equivalent of the American import sweet shop back home. As with imports, the prices were extortionate! $4 for a packet of Super Noodles is quite the mark up! They had a huge range though, Jammie Dodgers to PG Tips, Walkers to Polos.

Since it'll nearly be 2 months since leaving home, I think I can hold out on rushing to get a packet of Fruit Pastels.

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