The lighthouse

It was a lovely start to the day so I was out in the garden early. I took the advice from a couple of you and sat and had my own Spring watch with a cup of tea in one hand and the camera in the other of course.
Both male and female woodpeckers have been down. The bluetits are finding all sorts of creepy crawly things, The swallows had started to build a nest in the carport, not a good idea, so we have tried to deter them and to top it all I spotted a red squirrel running through the trees. However I was nt the only one to spot it as so did the crow and it was nt happy and kept flying after it until it was a safe distance from it's nest !

We took our lunch to the point and watched the gulls, sparrows and starlings. A lifeboat , RNLI 17-46 hooted as it went past, stopping over in Inverness on it's way to Aberdeen from Stromness.

I had been reminded by blips by Baron, Poppy and Treshnish that the sea thrift or sea pinks might be out so we walked along to the lighthouse. It's earlier than last year by a couple of weeks. We were very fortunate to have timed it right for the dolphins and we watched at least 6 hunting and diving. Think the recent rain has helped the salmon run :)

All my news plants are now planted and I thought we were in for a big storm as I could hear rumbles of thunder but stayed dry so far.

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