
By Katherinski

Nettles - delicious?

We met with a group of friends for lunch then F, Issie, baby and I walked along the river and met T at East Farleigh for a well earned cold drink. Such a hot sunny day. Baby wore her new sun hat. It suits her so well but she doesn't like keeping hats on. I stuck to our deal that if its hot enough to wear a sun hat she doesn't have to wear socks so she wiggled her little toes all the way there. We cooed over ducklings and braved nettle covered paths. F discovered just how much baby has grown when she carried her through a particularly nettley part of the route so as to not risk any stings to a buggy passenger. A friend of ours has mentioned nettles as a tasty and nutritious ingredient. I am thinking of trying bubble and squeak with nettles but haven't worked up the courage yet.

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