One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Relax the sphinctah, Mistah!

"Jay-zys Damo, da party last noight wasn't jost fookin deadly, it was shit-your-shorts deadly. I'm still fookin buzzin, loike. "

This has to be a new low.
Mrs Raheny forbade me to post this revolting image.
But you know me. A rebel I'll always be (I didn't go as far as advising her to 'eat my shorts' though... It wouldn't have gone down too well)

It's quite incredible what the sunny day in May and copious amounts of intoxicating substances have on the sphincter muscles of the local athletes.
The main advantage of starting Monday morning by taking photographs of skid marks is that it can only improve from then on.

If only marginally did

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