Well, what else on a rain soaked day?

If I'd looked at the forecast I could have saved myself 2 hours of watering last night. The heavens were so low I could have touched them this morning and the voluminous cape borrowed from Eric was incapable of withstanding the deluge. Max has a poodle coat inherited from one of his parents, not sure which and he seemed to manage to shed the water quite well but even he was glad to get back home from the woods. In the village the water poured off the roofs and down the gutters but up in the hard packed earth on the hill the ground was so thirsty it sucked the rain greedily and hardly changed colour. The Golden Oriole sings in a rain free interval - 75 yards away!

The wifi here is so fickle. This has to be a backblip for wifi was on yesterday morning but refused to appear again until Tuesday a.m. It gets me very riled and no more so than on Saturday and Sunday afternoon when it refused to work and let me watch my grandson Ben competing in the European finals of CrossFit. Having qualified at number 43 out of 150 for the final out of many thousands who entered, his goal was to be lower than that and boy, did he crack it. Benjamin Massey came in 11th - CONGRATULATIONS BEN! YOU ARE A STAR!

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