
By melaniecameron

Tuesday the 20th of May 2014

This is a T shirt my sister bought for my eldest niece, as even from very young age she was adamant she was a Princess and I totally believe she was at least twice in previous lifes and you don't really mess with her either. ;-)

Anyway I have chosen Bad Company's song Bad Company as todays song.
History is littered with rebels, freedom fighter/warriors who rebel against a more powerful enemy usually foreign invaders seeking some one else's home for their own or and the resources of that country - we have seen it with colonialism whether its the Roman Empire, the Europeans in North and South America's, Africa, Asia. Etc etc they the hostile invaders seem to think that those whose territories they invade should just give it all to them and if you have the audacity to fight back you are branded a barbarian and if you are good at fighting back you are branded a psychopath - when in reality it is the hostile invaders with their usually superior weapons. (Nothing changed has it?) That are in fact the ones with issues superioity complexes, racism, greed, envy to name but a few. And should these freedom fighters take some pride in standing up to bullies and dictators by singing a few folk songs (as I am prone to do with some certain Scottish Folk songs) you too get branded a psychpath. The bullies may have won most of the battles to date which has allowed them to write their version of history but the war is far from done and they won't win the war! As the new Native American battlecry says #idlenomore!

"Bad Company"

Company, always on the run
Destiny is the rising sun
Oh, I was born a shotgun in my hands
Behind the gun I'll make my final stand
That's why they call me

Bad company
And I can't deny
Bad company
Till the day I die
Oh, till the day I die
Till the day I die

Rebel souls, deserters we are called
Chose a gun and threw away the sun
Now these towns, well they all know our name
The death punch sound, is our claim to fame
That's why they call me

Bad company
I can't deny
Bad, bad company
Till the day I die,
Untill the day I die,
Untill the day I die,
Untill the day I die

Eye for an eye
Tooth for a tooth
Blood for blood
We've all gotta die
We've all gotta die

That's why they call me
Bad company
I won't deny
Bad, bad company
Till the day I die

Bad company
I won't deny
Bad, bad company
Till the day I die
Untill the day I die
Untill the day I die
Untill the day I die


P.s mine is usually a broadsword.

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