My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Things on my palm

This is my palm.
I have held today two unusual things on it.

First one was small duckling, which was lost from flock and Mother Duck because our Dog. This one I'm not proud, but it happened so fast. We noticed Duck family were walking in row keeping loud "quack" sound and smaller "quick quick" sounds behind our garden fence. There were Mother Duck with ducklings leading them to water. We were sitting in our terrace very amused of their lound sound. It sounded cute. And next second I noticed B the dog had went after and even though it stopped and left duck's alone after quick command, the damage had already happened. Mother Duck had lead family away leaving one duckling behind running in panic around yard. It was so shocking. What can we do? Is it better to just leave duckling there, if family comes to get it, or what?
First I walked around area looking if there are more ducklings scattered around, or I if I could found some signs family is still near. I found nothing but two car roads and free cat in few meters from lost duckling. So I made decision and captured that wee duckling with garment and carried it on my hands pass two roads and cat to the lake. I let it free and after short quiet rest it runned in water, dived and swum away. Alone.
I really hope that Duck Family reunites at the lake. I need to believe there were happy ending.

Other unusual thing today was fierce hailstorm that struck our town. Out of blue came Thunderstorm and over 3cm hail! It came down such a force that plants were shattered, cars got wee dimples and wind were turning big trees down.
My Girl were biking when hailstorm hit, and even she found shelter soon, she got hit by the hail three times. She has now bruise on her cheek, on her stomach and one on her ankle. Luckily it didn't got her eyes...

That ice on my palm is one hail. There were lots of those on ground after storm was over. Now is sun shining again.

Today was such a day full of action and thrill.

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