Great escapes
The little lamb found himself on the wrong side of the fence to the water tank and was trying to get there the hard way. His was a less successful escape than Reggie Houdini the tortoise. As I was coming home from the afternoon walk with Gus, I found him outside his pen happily browsing on dandelions. It was pure serendipity I happened to come through the garden that way, the outer layer of barriers is not intact at the moment and he could have disappeared completely. Hopefully I've made his compound more secure, but it's a bit worrying, the warmer weather has made him very active and quick.
This wasn't going to be the day's blip. This morning I spotted two intertwined fly orchids, and was planning to return when the light was brighter. When I went back this afternoon, United Utilities had been and strimmed the grassland - the orchids are all decapitated. Oh, well.
I escaped from work for a couple of hours this afternoon to spend time sorting photographs for the exhibition. I came across this one, that I didn't blip on the day. I don't know why, because I much prefer it to the one that I did. That's the benefit of time, seeing things with different eyes.
An early blip this evening, as we are meeting up with my sister and brother-in-law for a meal. We haven't seen them for a few months.
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