Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Security Blanket

There's nothing quite like a comfy pillow and this wee ferral cat had found one in the shape of his mum!!!

We have a whole family of these look-alikes roaming in the garden, chasing the birds, climbing the trees and sharing the picnics and tit bits proffered by the children as they play.

These two were sitting taking in the morning sun as it came through the buildings and never so much as batted a whisker when I passed by! Much too busy contemplating the shadows on the ground.

The day started out quite well and then became progressively busier.

Exams begin for the children next week so revision is the order of the day.

Tomorrow Alberts' class are performing their "FIFA World Cup Assembly" which should be fun if they remember all their lines! (Which I'm sure they will) We had two practice sessions today and they all looked very cute in their football jerseys!

Now, I guess its time to retire and head for bed!

I wonder where these two are camping down!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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