The gate.

We all went into town today. As it turned out neither myself or J were in the right mood to go around shops. J kept moaning, I kept moaning until we were taken to a cafe by K who now knows the signs and knows to feed us ASAP!!! J brightened as soon as he saw his hot chocolate and I did as soon as I saw a sandwich.

I loath Princes St if on the shops side. My rule for getting along this St with as little hinderance as possible, is to walk close to the kerb and to walk as fast as possible. If you slow even slightly it's likely that an entire family of plodders will find themselves in front of you and they'll all walk side by side and you'll get TRAPPED!

Somehow, we are all still speaking to each other, although J had a bit of a wobble (moodwise) which resulted in an actual wobble where he slipped on the ice (which was at the kerbside of the pavement and therefore my fault) which resulted obviously in a super wobbler.

Home, food, TV for J, pottering for K and some (bad) photo taking for me and all is kind of well.

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