Sliding Along

Saturday mornings should involve a lovely long lie in, lots of cups of tea brought to me by my husband, croissants in bed - or perhaps a bacon sandwich, a lovely long bubble bath and then perhaps a little lie down on the sofa with some magazines and perhaps a mojito or two.
What my Saturday morning actually involved was an early start and hours and hours of housework.
Mr K took the Little Misses to Milton Keynes after their breakfast and his lie-in, they took some things back to John Lewis, bought some new things in John Lewis (more Thai Jiff for my burner!), got their feet measured, had a lovely lunch in John Lewis and generally had fun.
While Mummy stayed at home hoovering, tidying, sorting and dusting. I hate to send the rest of the family off but it seems to be the only way to get anything done around the house.
And I did loads. As well as the dusting and the hoovering I sorted out bags and bags of baby clothes into piles for eBay, piles for the Rag Man, piles for a charity I found in Milton Keynes which takes babygros and vests etc to give to families in need. I like the idea of the Little Misses' tiny little clothes being put to good use rather than shoved into a bin bag for 50p a kilo!
And a pile of special things for babies who are hopefully on their way.
Mr K rang when I was in the midst of cleaning to say that Mr K and Mrs Z had asked if we fancied going over for an impromptu barbeque. I said I'd carry on sorting as I was getting on well but that he and the Little Misses should go.
A couple of hours later he rang again to tell me I should go over and we should stay the night.
Always one to obey my husband I jumped in the shower and headed over.
It was lovely as ever. The children all had fun together - until 10.30pm!! and us grown ups had lovely food, drink and chats.
Much better than housework.
Apart from the rubbish X-Men film!

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