Goodbye Baby Room and a poorly baby x
It was Eva's very last day in the Baby room today. She starts in the Explorer's Room properly on Monday.
Today's nursery entry..
Date: 7/5/14
Key worker: Heidi, Buddy: Naomi
Breakfast: ate at home
Snack: strawberries and pear
Lunch: chicken curry and yoghurt
Tea: ham sandwiches, banana
Bottles: before sleep all, 2.30 drank all
Sleep: 11.55-1.55
Nappies: 10.20w, 12ch, 1.55w, 4.25s
Activities: Eva has enjoyed playing with the pink play doh this morning, using cutters to make different shapes! This afternoon, Eva loved going in the choo choo wagon to Becketts.
I arrived at nursery just before 6pm to find Eva practically asleep on Heidi's lap. She was very warm. Heidi told me Eva had actually fallen asleep lying on the floor at about 5.15 and that when they'd taken her temperature, it had shown a low fever. They thought I'd be arriving any minute so didn't call me and waited til I got there to give her Calpol as they can't give it without my permission, I could have kicked myself that for the first time in ages it was nearly 6 when I got there, when I'm usually there by 5.30 the latest. Eva fell asleep on the short drive home, I carried her in when we got back and she pretty much instantly started being very sick as soon as we walked into the hall. It just kept coming and coming, poor poor baby girl. I just stood there and let her be sick where she was, no point rushing for a bowl etc, it was a little late for that. We were both literally covered in sick, from my hair, all down Eva, down to my feet. It was tricky being able to move anywhere and keep the cats away from it (who were trying to lick it, euurrgghh) and comfort Eva, who obviously was upset. Luckily, Mike got home from work within minutes and helped me clean off my feet so I could take Eva up for a bath and then he cleaned up all the sick while I sorted Eva out.
I got her into her babygrow and brought her downstairs and she just sat snuggled quietly on my lap. She did actually start to brighten up, so I left her with Mike and went and got my shower, as I absolutely stank of sick. I knew I couldn't give her any dinner before bed, but she wouldn't drink any water, so I decided to risk it and give her a little breast milk. A little turned into a load as she just wanted to drink and drink, she obviously wanted the comfort too, poor thing. She didn't want to go to bed, every time I tried to lie her down she would cry with her arms outstretched for me, so I picked her up and gave her 'just one more cuddle' which turned into about 6 one more cuddles.... She did settle down more happily, with a temperature back to normal, by about 8pm and thankfully wasn't sick again. It was so awful seeing her so sick, our gorgeous babba girl. Xxx
Added on 20/5/14... I wanted to get a group picture of some of the girls who look after Eva, but she was too poorly when I got there on this day, so today's pic was actually taken on Tuesday 20th May. I wanted to get a pic that Eva could look back on of who used to look after her in nursery. From left to right are Heidi, her Baby room key worker, Helen from the Baby room who has looked after Eva lots when Heidi wasn't in or when Debbie left, Helen looked after Eva lots before Heidi started working there. Next to Helen is Kerry, who is the Explorers room room leader and holding Eva is Gemma, who is Eva's key worker in the Explorers room. I wanted to get a picture to include Natalie from the Baby room too, but she was on holiday today and not all the girls seem to all be in on the same day. Eva has had a great start to nursery life and has been so amazingly looked after.
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