Nursery Rhymes ... X
Again, this morning, Eva seemed a whole lot brighter. Toddler Sense wasn't on this week, so it was actually lovely to just chill out, not rush to go out, but just take our time getting washed, dressed and having milk etc. Eva lay next to me on the bed having her milk, then I sang nursery songs with her. She now joins in with so many, doing the diamond for "like a diamond in the sky" in Twinkle Twinkle, she rolls her hands over for "wind the bobbin up", she circles her own finger on her own hand for "round and round the garden" and attempts the spider with her fingers for "incy wincy spider" I absolutely love watching her join in and learn new things. While we were sat on the bed, she looked over and saw the photo of Jake as a baby and her Dad on the cupboard and started tapping her chest saying "Daddy!" So I went and got it and brought it to her. She didn't recognise Jake at first, but then soon started saying "Achooo!" She was looking at that photo and studying it for a good few minutes until I took it off her to put it back and bring her downstairs for breakfast.
Eva had her usual long sleep at lunchtime, then I took her round to Aunty Liza's house, as I had a hair appointment. Liza gave her her late lunch and when I got back, Liza said she'd barely moved off her lap and hadn't really eaten much, despite being in really good spirits. She even climbed all the way up Liza's stairs while I was there, with Liza stood right behind her as she climbed each step, the cheeky little monkey. Eva was extremely proud of herself for her climbing skills.
It was my school reunion tonight, so Daddy got Eva fed, bathed and settled in bed xxx
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