
By Gillwithagee

and I will try to 'fix you'

Hello, I seem to be blogging.

Well who'd have thought it? Im doing this because it seems to me that touch-typing is a dieing art. I have tried to teach it to my darling cherub on several occasions, when she was 5, 7, and again when she was 9. She is now at high school, and assures me she is quite content with the way she types. Perhaps I should have tried at an even age?

Today was a good day. I managed to find some nice builders who seemed happy to let me plunder their disgarded rubble to go in my flowerbed (it needs drainage don't you know). Getting it home and to the flowerbed was a whole different story of course, and one that will happen again tomorrow when I go back for more. Many thanks to Mr MX5 next door for the use of his wheelbarrow, however dodgey it's wheel is (not so much walking backwards for christmas, as walking backwards down the garden because it's the only way the thing will move).

Now I will attempt to 'fix' this favoured soft toy. Theres a reason why this particular soft toy was recalled by the manufacturer (the same reason ive had to re-stitch it 3 times now), but cherub wouldnt part with it for the world and recall or no recall couldnt be parted from it.

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