Auld Three Wheeler

A really misty start to the day on the east coast of Shetland but a sunny day out west, just the usual. The mist lifted as the day went on and clear around my house when I got home after work but still overcast and dull.

A steady day at work in the museum with two school visits and a good steady flow of visitors too :)
After work I got outside and a fine big walk to Helliness with Sammy dog and some chores done around the garden.
Mam has also been in for a chat and cuppa too :) A fine relaxing evening at home :)

On my walk to Helliness, I passed through Greenmow and this old three wheeler has been lying here for a while now. It's past it now but being fibreglass, it'll stay here forever along with the other cars at this car graveyard.

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