twinned with trumpton


Monday - in the office. Cycled in and was up and running well before 8 - just as well, as I had a million ridiculous phone calls.... A morning of nonsense.

Lunchtime - was out; arranged to meet Al at Cockburn St at 1 for a Calton Hill circuit, and also bumped into Sharon there, too..! Big smiles. She looked vibrant.

Never done Al's lap before - up to St Andrew's Square, York Place, down past the Playhouse and around to the back of Calton Hill and up from the north, back down Jacob's Ladder (Cigs there...!) and into the office. Good wee stroll.

An afternoon I can remember nothing of, and then out - again with Al - to meet Barry at the pond for our weekly wander around the Seat. A very pleasant 90 mins -with Al in tow, he was keen to scramble about so we went up and down routes I maybe wouldn't otherwise have done. Al left us at the top end of Radical Road, so Barry and I wound our way back to Meadowbank quietly. He asked as we were chatting if me 'n' her were an item; I said 'sortof', the fact he worked out lunch the previous day when nobody else did tells you he's no' daft...

Home via Asda for some things for her, and both tired by the time I got to her at ten, but a couple of quiet hours together.

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