Traffic Lights

During a break in the wether this morning The Boss rushed outside with his camera. Then he rushed inside again “cos it didn’t have a card in it. So he rushed upstairs to retrieve the card that was still sitting in his PC card reader slot. Then he rushed downstairs, stuck it in his camera and rushed outside again. BUT wait…there’s more…He rushed back in again to change lens and……Ok you get the picture and I think he did too.
It was a good thing that the traffic lights were on green when he finally got done and the sun had continued to shine while all this was going on as it was a variable sort of day until it made it’s mind up later.
One of his Seniornet ladies came round this arvo and was amazed when he showed her the potential difference between her very aged XP machine and an iPad. After she found Harry Bellefonte on ITunes the deal was done, so to bark and she left, which was a shame ‘Cos she smelt delicious…of Cats and Ginger crunch. The Boss didn’t notice the Cats but was pleased about the crunch.
Given the state of our back garden it is no surprise there was a lot of Russians involved this morning as a puff of wind would have destroyed this image and it did about mid afternoon, all except the GO leaf. I guess that will go later.

Throw Caution to the Wind?

E1 Olympus 1/500 @ F8 150mm ISO 400

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