My Best Efforts - Year 3


Lost and Found Again......

.......When I moved here about 10years ago, there were loads of these Forget-me-Nots but over those years, they gradually disappeared. When doing a little clearing out this morning, I was delighted to find this one little plant hiding in a corner! I am not going to disturb it as I would love to see it drop its seeds to come again next year. A very modest but pretty little flower.


1) In a German legend, God thought He had named all the plants when a tiny unnamed one cried out, "Forget-me-not, O Lord!" God replied, "That shall be your name.

2) Henry IV adopted the flower as his symbol during his exile in 1398, and retained the symbol upon his return to England the following year.

3) In 15th-century Germany, it was supposed that the wearers of the flower would not be forgotten by their lovers. Legend has it that in medieval times, a knight and his lady were walking along the side of a river. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armour he fell into the river. As he was drowning he threw the posy to his loved one and shouted "forget me not". It was often worn by ladies as a sign of faithfulness and enduring love.

4) Prior to becoming the tenth province of Canada in 1949, Newfoundland (then a separate British Dominion) used the forget-me-not as a symbol of remembrance of that nation's war dead. This practice is still in limited use today, though Newfoundlanders have adopted the Flanders Poppy as well.

Started off very cloudy but the sun is now shining - Temperature is now 62 Deg.F.

Have a good day everyone and don't do anything I wouldn't!

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