Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Sharp tongue...?

Oh I love a macro lens!
I'm getting to appreciate flies too.
(Not in my face though, obviously.
Take note you face-flying-at flies).

Today has been what one might call a 'multi-faceted' one.
I have achieved quite a few aims :-)

Not, however, on the 'what's to eat this evening then?' front.

At certain times of day I think eating is overated.
(Not at meal times, clearly).
There are those folk who, allegedly, live on just air and loving thoughts.
I'm all for universal love (and not at all averse to a trimmer figure)
but in all honesty, a family needs feeding in my experience.
Demands it even.

It is, I believe, advised (for healthy living) that we take a closer look at what our grandparents and great grandparents used to eat.
(And if they wouldn't have recognised what we're eating as food, then perhaps it's not a fab addition to our own diet).
This is All To The Good...
But really...
Life without oven chips?
At all?

Simply no.

(I wonder what decade tins of baked beans hit the grocery shelves?)

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