Ruins of a castle.

Today's the day when I have to go back to home. Vacation has almost come to it's end. Well, I have still four days free but have to spend little time at home. Have not I already been away from home for 21 days..
It's always VERY hard for me to leave Puolanka. I've always cryied my eyes off when I have had to leave back to home. I love to spend time in there and love all the people whom I know there.
It's sad to leave also because I don't know excatly when I get back and see them again. It's hard to leave goodbyes to your love ones. I don't know why, but I don't ever feel that awful when I leave home.
Well, that must now be enough of sadness in here, because despite of the leaving, it's been nice day today.
We left Puolanka early in the morning and went to Kajaani with my two uncle's and other one's gf. (My train leaves from there.) We visited many markets because they had something to buy. I also found rugs and HAD to buy them.. Now I have 10 kilos of rugs, clothes I shopped, luggage, backpack, handbag and one other plastic bag with me to go to the train... Hmm, how will I manage with them.. (Well, quite OK yet, because I'm now blipping from train and all of the bags are with me.)
We stopped by the Kajaani river and I saw this ruin of the Kajaani castle. I've never noticed it before, eventhough I have visited Kajaani many times and been in the almost same spot earlier.. Well, now I've seen part of it.

I've been travelling now in this train for 5½ hours and have one hour left. Then I see Otto and after we drive to home I see my babygirls<3 And that's the best reason to get back home.

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