Words Apart

By captaincustard


Ypres. Famous for the Menin Gate and various WW1 battlefields and memorials.

This one is just outside of Ypres, and probably not what you'd expect. It is a German cemetery, and is well off of the main roads, with no signposts suggesting its presence. Only due to the wonders of Wikipedia did we even know it was there. It was all locked up, with a sign (in German) outside, saying that the key could be obtained from a house opposite, suggesting that there is not the deluge of visitors seen at the Allied cemeteries.

This shot was taken rather blindly, over the gate, to try and capture the little we could see. Memorial stones are laid flat, and are generally for several people.

Here there are no glorious dead, just flat, grey stones which are kept tidy but nothing like as spangly as the Allied ones down the road. Yes these men would have fought just as hard, and lost just as much.

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