A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Boring but practical

Very disturbed night with little Miss Coughalot and so a massive struggle to get going this morning. Decided I would try swimming to wash out my fuggy head and it oddly seemed to be very effective as I have been able to function to a reasonable level ever since.

Even managed to snap these no longer useful printer cartridges to post of freecycle. I didn't get around to the posting bit yet so if there are use to anyone and you are happy to collect / pay postage from W4 they are all yours.

Anna only lasted the morning at school before another call to collect her. She seems to only have half a day in her at the moment so they have suggested just mornings for the rest of the week. Though after a big sleep on the sofa this afternoon she leaped through her singing and Spanish lessons so maybe if she could just sleep a whole night she could make a whole school day. In hope tonight we have chucked everything we can at her - creating a sauna in the bathroom, plug in vaporiser thingy, hot water bottle, anti-histamine, cough medicine, enough pillows for a princess with a pea...

This is the only picture I took today and as it will probably be as good as anything at could take now it might as well make an appearance. And it may be useful - really the cartridges need a home. Any takers?

Lesley x

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