Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77


We were off walking again today, this time heading up Glen Nevis to see the Steall waterfall and happened to catch this guy doing some fairly extreme kayaking. He did sit for a while at the top looking a bit nervous but he got it together and fair play to him, its not something I would ever attempt!

We were lucky again with the weather this afternoon, the scenery looked amazing in the sunshine with still plenty of snow on the tops although the top of Ben Nevis was as per usual covered in cloud. Baby 77 seemed to enjoy the scenery and was pretty vocal with lots of coos and gurgles. He loves being in the backpapck which is great and 77 has been doing a superb job carrying him around this week. We did chicken out of carrying him across the wobbly wire bridge just below the waterfall in it, he is a fairly precious cargo and we might wait a few years to tackle this...

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