Lilac and Iris
Looking gorgeous side by side.
I wonder what determines which flower names are adopted as girls' names? I mean, these days children are called all sorts of made up names, but there are traditions of using flower names. So why is Iris a girl's name, and Lilac, as far as I know, not? Why is Rose a name, but Bluebell and Daffodil aren't (unless, perhaps, you're a cow)?
And are there any boys' names that are flowers? I suppose there is in Classic literature - Narcissus comes to mind - which is a daffodil, by any other name. Are there any others?
And would her novels have been as deeply philosophical if Iris had been called Lilac Murdoch? or Iris Lavender? (That's one flowery surname. Are there others?)
Answers on a postcard please ...!
Meanwhile, if your name is a flower, I dedicate this blip to you.
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