
By JimBob79


Delivering 211 of this particular red top paper 20yrs ago was my first job. 211 papers, including leaflets, paid me £14.27 each week. £14.27 for 3hrs work... I should write to the Government. Every Wednesday & Thursday after school I'd fill up my 'borrowed' Sainsburys trolley with around 90 Enfield Advertisers and off I'd go with my walkman blasting out Mariah Carey or Take That in all manor of weather. If I'd see a school friend I'd hide behind a parked car. There were no mobile phones back then so if I got run over or beaten up I couldn't contact anyone so just got on with my paper round. Christmas was always exciting times as I'd knock on every door of the 211 houses (flats I didn't bother with) and say with a big cheesy grin 'Merry Christmas' and pass them their paper and keep my hand out for a tip. Only for them to say thanks and shut the door. Once I accumulated £12.57 in Christmas tips - I could afford a new tape for my Walkman. Sadly after a year of doing this incredibly exciting, motivating, strategic & sometimes dangerous (dogs and cheap newspapers don't go..) job I reluctantly resigned and decided to concentrate on my studies. Well when I say resigned I mean given the push as my employer discovered I wasn't delivering the leaflets to any of the 211 houses. I was put on garden leave... Ah memories

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