A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Wee cutie!

Another one of Alfie. I do apologise for him being all I'm blipping but he's so wee and cute I can't resist. And I think the difference with this nephew is that he is my sisters child. I don't love him any more or differently but I'm close to my sister so will see more of him!

I've spent most of today making a cow costume for Charlotte to wear to school on Friday. She has to dress up as a character from Jack and the Beanstalk and she chose the cow!

She's also off school tomorrow so I've squeezed two days work and jobs into today. The day off for elections has come at the perfect time though as it means I can take her to meet Alfie, and my sister can talk to her. We think she's being picked on at school for her patches so want to see what she will tell auntie Sarah.

Off to bed in a sulk now! I put on 3lbs this week at fat club...deserved more after my weekend in Edinburgh and no running all week! Back on it tomorrow! Switched back to online food shopping so I don't wt tempted by the naughty foods and written a menu plan!

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