The essence of a dog with a frisbee

Today I walked for a few minutes down to the river and back. It was enough but it's a start.

My lower right leg and hand remain painful, numb and tingling/humming sensation. Don't mess with the NZ endemic nettle! Other than that I feel flu-like and occasionally have an uncharacteristic wheeze. I think I'm slightly better today but I have it on good authority "... you look awful!". (Thanks M ;-)

Any whoo, coming back through the park the owner of this lab was happy for me to take photos. I preferred the impressionist ones over the sharp ones, but that will come as no surprise ;-)

Thank you for your concern and best wishes. My symptoms may last several days yet. My hand is bothering me so I'll comment less and spread them out.

Time to rest.

Edit: Thanks to Cabbagetree I've changed the title.

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