
By cowgirl

Ben Gurion Airport

Last minute frantic shopping as hadn't managed to think of anything for Sav. By the wonders of modern technology he was able to choose the shoes he wanted via Facebook chat. I took photos and uploaded them so he could see what was on offer, then the assistant went to find his size - 3 times we had to try again! The assistant was quite amused by our method! I was much easier to please and find the correct size for, so by the time I got on the plane I had a new pair of shoes for us both.

The plane was on time and so was my chauffeur from Luton. We arrived home about 3am and collapsed into bed exhausted. Sav was especially tired as he had driven to Newton Abbott and back ( 2hrs each way ) before coming over to Luton to drive me home ( 2+1/2hrs each way ). Bless his cotton socks ( and thank god I had bought him new shoes for his trouble! ).

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