Friends with Food
'ello baby!
My winter stack that was designated for the survival of my duck BFF's was so that I still have half a bucket left. So now I carry a container with cracked corn and such with me every day, in case I meet someone needy.
These babies weren't really in need of food - it was more that I was in need of babies and bribing the parents is, sadly, not beneath me.
As I was policing a Mr. and Mrs. Duck, Mom & Dad Goose, a lonely snow goose (hired as a body guard/nanny for the babies, apparently, because both Mom & Dad were completely okay with their presence) and 2 ringed (and local) Geese it occurred to me that people watching me must think I am the village idiot.
I'm not just feeding these birds most people think are a nuisance, or, at best, 'just' birds - I am talking to them. I scold them. I am giving them directions. I am throwing food in all directions so everyone has a little bit and can eat without being pecked at. I call them 'babies' (the adults too) or 'poppets'.
I often think people judge me. Usually that makes me very, very self-conscious which results in trying to make myself invisible.
Somehow, though, today I was okay. I was okay with being silly me. Sure, there are things I need to change about myself - but the bird- feeding/loving/photographing Erica? She's quite alright :)
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