Clark Tales

By cclark

Who could resist those eyes...

These two are the best start to any day. Look at those eyes. They're perfect to me. They had me in stitches this morning, as per. Olivia was showing me some awesome Gymnastic's and Cheer leafing moves, like really awesome...Lily pipes up "look, I can do a roly poly!" ...ok crazy child, she did pretty well though. Lily then lied, along with Hev and Steavo, about Hev being with child; Olivia is the only one who didn't take pleasure in them taking advantage of how gullible I am.

Went to get my hair coloured, back to blonde...

Then onward to Virn's where it was time for a some DIY, however it didn't last long. She may have dropped the floor on her foot...yes, there is a world where that makes sense. So home to a lush night in for me, singing, dancing and problem solving things from 1994, cos I'm just kinda like that. Loved having the place to myself, I think I'm growing into that mode these days. It makes me happy!

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