
By Memories4Me

Dun I on Iona...

Dear Diary,

I so wanted to climb this hill but creaky useless knees said, "No!" It is the highest point on the island at 332 feet above sea level, hardly Mount Everest but it might as well have. It is said that St. Brigid traveled to Iona and blessed the well at the top of Dun I. It is now called the Well of Eternal Life. I was content to photograph it from below. The sheep in their wildflower meadow were a lovely sight.

I leave Iona tomorrow but I think it is a place that never really leaves you once you have been. A small part of the serenity and spirit of Iona lives on in your heart.

Enjoy the earth gently,
Enjoy the earth gently;
For if the earth is spoiled
it cannot be repaired.
Enjoy the earth gently.

Yoruba poem, West Africa

Packing away the spirit of this place...

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