At Work (4)

The library at Woodthorpe was acting as a polling station until ten o’clock last night, with the upshot that I had to move all the furniture back this morning but that any children who come in can have a play at exercising their democratic rights in the polling booths that they haven’t taken away yet - much as all us adults got to have a play at it yesterday. I don’t know about anyone else, but I was somewhat dismayed at the number of neo-fascist organisations – not just UKIP - that seem to put up candidates these days. So that was the subject of yesterday’s rant; I seem to have been in cantankerous old man mode all week after the whole ‘wealth of the few’ thing that got me started the other day. I even found myself defending that old duffer Charlie the other day, as if he shouldn’t know by now that he’s not meant to have any opinions of his own. That said, it seems difficult to argue that Putin hasn't just carried out the aggressive annexation of a neighbouring country on the grounds of a spurious ethnic connection – shades of 1938, surely…?

Anyway, back to music next week, I promise. I’ve been too busy/lazy this week to post any links, but I’ve been listening to a mixture of Leyland Kirby, late Seventies Lou Reed and early nineties Auteurs (the last two possibly in unconscious preparation for the imminent arrival of Mr. Haines latest opus, though I thought originally it was to do with the arrival – finally! – of the sunshine and the need for some suitably summery cowbell action - and, of course, it’s raining again now, but hey…!)

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