This day

By snapper

The long road home

Morning was spent looking for a leak from upstairs neighbours, only a few drops but through the ceiling none the less. Upstairs was trying to unblock their frozen pipes, wish they would just call a plumber!

Off to blockbusters to get a charger for yougest fledgling's DS, of course its my fault the pervious one went a missing as "you keep moving things" was being uttered in unison from hubby and youngest! Addmitedly I do move things and never see them again, but one day I will come across these things I have put by for safe keeping!
Youngest wanted to look at her gran's jewelery so it was a nostalgic trip. funny how you don't notice things about people, things like how small my mother's fingers and wrists must have been as her rings and bangles were all virtually too small for us females. ~Anyhow she chose a few keepsakes and was happy.

Next we had to make tracks home, roads on this side not too bad. Youngest went off to work so I just moped about savouring the last hours before I return to work.
Had to go back out to get youngest home from work and wow! it was like an ice rink. Hope the cooncil grits the brae tomorrow in time for the school bus.

Back to the grind tomorrow, forms and more forms to fill, applications to juggle, mutter mutter. Must buy a lottery ticket sometime!

Anyhow bring it on 2010

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