Of rich and royal hue..

By mintlawquine

Handsome hostas

Back to the garden for blip inspiration today! I have four hostas in pots which never fail to provide a great deal of pleasure with their many shades of green and cream, and the striking form of the leaves. Keeping them in pots seems to keep the slug and snail damage to a minimum too, although I see the little blighters have been having a wee nibble. I also see that the birds have been feasting on the snails, if the number of empty broken shells is anything to go by. That's nature for you! It's been very cold and windy today. Just hope it improves for the weekend. We for once have few plans in place tomorrow and I was looking forward to a day in the garden.

Many thanks for the lovely comments on my 500th blip yesterday! It obviously struck a chord with lots of other baby boomers!

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