It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

My Vision......

I had an hours worth of tests and air blown into my eyes and sight tests and bright lights being shone into them I though why not keep doing it when I got home?
As you may have guessed I had an appointment with the optician today and as I thought my vision has worsened slightly. So new glass into my current frames.

I had no blip so I thought seeing as I've had bright lights shoved in my eyes for the last hour why not try all three extension tubes on manual focus and get my eye practically in the ring flash and press the shutter!

Cool idea ??? Er not when I couldn't get my eye in the right place and keep the right focusing distance and getting blinded every time I pressed the shutter release and had the ring flash go off .....seeing as Id just stuck fresh rechargeable batteries in it and it was really bright!!

Anyway it was a rush job so don't look too closely!


Draco The Blurred Vision Dragon xx

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