
By GardenGirl

Watching the buses!

This is Kipper, our rescue cat who lives loves to watch the buses go past the house. He rushes to the window when he hears one coming... an emergency services car/van with lights/sirens has the same effect!

Here he is wearing a 'soft' collar as he has an unknown skin allergy which means he overgrooms his legs and can make them sore or even make them bleed. However the vet reckons it could be a winter problem as most allergies improve over the warmer months and he has had his collar off for several days now and has so far left his legs alone. At the time we didn't know the collar was supposed to go on on the opposite direction, i.e. away from his face, but now we know and he found it a lot easier to eat unassisted as soon as we turned it back the other way. Silly us!

Kipper has a habit of coming up to you and rubbing his nose on yours. We told the vet and she said it's a sign that he considers us as members of his feline family- sisters or his Mum, for example, as it's a cat-to-cat behaviour and very rarely exhibited towards people. We feel honoured that he has accepted us in this way really. To him, we are not his owners but his feline family. :-)

He has a distinctive look about him- he is quite flat-faced, a bit like a Persian, and always has a bit of a startled, annoyed expression although he is always so friendly and happy.

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