
By RobinBanneville

Corbière Lighthouse

No sunrise today ... This morning actually started off bad ... Bad and very wet.
Having pre-arranged a day trip to Jersey, I had been keeping my fingers crossed for a dry, if not fine, day. The forecast was okay, with just isolated showers predicted ... but it seemed that one of those showers (a very heavy one which was about the size of the Channel Islands) had settled itself over both Guernsey and Jersey during the night, and was in no hurry to go anywhere ... :o(
All was not lost though. The rain eased around mid-morning, leaving the sky somewhat overcast ... but at least it became dry ... :o|
So just to prove I'd made the effort, here's a shot I took of Jersey's iconic Corbière Lighthouse ...
(Also note that "Obligatory Seagull" had followed me across the water and managed to get his beak into yet another one of my blips) ... :o)

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