Jax and co.

By indusriver


A first for this family - a broken bone!

So on Wednesday when I was out the older children indulged in a bit of 'play fighting' of some sort that involved a form of kick boxing. It seemed to have gone shall we say - wrong and apparently Indus kicked a bit too hard and Zachary blocked just a bit too awkwardly and the result was a fractured 3rd metatarsal. I do repeat Wednesday - as it was only tonight (Friday) that I deemed it serious enough to take him to A&E. Shame I didn't do it earlier - as tonight they had 'trillions' of patients (a looming bank holiday always means an increase) and two staff down. So four and a bit hours later he was x-rayed and plastered.

I know I was sometimes harsh to my younger brother - but seriously breaking his bones - she really has taken things to a new level!

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