
By todayoutof10

The warm glow of love..

My daughter's best chum has been travelling Australia for the last five months and came home this week.

They've missed one another terribly but, due to the wonders of Apple technology, have facetimed regularly. But sometimes the distance felt hard - Australia is awful far away.

This evening I gave them a lift to a chum's in Gourock where they were all gathering for a girlie catch up.

As they laughed, chatted and finished each other's sentences in the car, their happiness was palpable.

On my way home, I stopped to blip the gorgeous Gourock sunset.

How comforting to know that, no matter where your loved ones are and how much you miss not being with them - we all see the same sun. I felt the presence of someone I love in tonight's beautiful sunset. They were there with me. Almost...

Today outof10? A peaceful 8.9 ❤️

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