I was here first!

Sometimes, when food is being distributed, the deer will share like this, but they are not always candidates for Miss Congeniality.

In the picture above, the "Alpha deer" wants to make sure the other doesn't horn in on her territory and her food supply. When that's the way they feel, the deer know just how to make their message clear with head butts and smacks with their hooves. Little Rascaletta, shown (in the link) sharing with the older and larger deer, has learned to stand her ground. Good for her!

After several days of predicted snow that never materialized, we woke up this morning to a new layer of that pristine white stuff and the news that school was cancelled for the day. That was a surprise. More snow is predicted during the week, so it looks like a lovely winter wonderland. Maybe it's time for a visit to the arboretum. Hmmm, have to think about that.

That's it for tonight. Time for some shut eye!. Night Blippers.

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