Still Here!

By Yorkhull

A downpour

I was just congratulating myself that my laid back approach to the day meant that I had waited long enough for the sun to come out when it suddenly started to pour down. A few snaps from the bedroom and I had a few downpour pics to choose from and decided on this one.

I started the day arguing with my local pharmacist to give me my prescription for antibiotics a week early having woken up to a fourth successive UTI. Eventually she stopped being a job's worth when I had pointed out that in another week I would be quite ill. She then became helpful and confirmed that I could take two sets of antibiotics together, one for the UTI and the other for my tooth abscess, the dental work yesterday having failed to deal with the problem. So, though I rattle somewhat, I have been fully resting whilst these tablets do the job.

I often think of what life must have been like before the 1930s when there were no antibiotics and how soon we might return to that era given that the pharmaceutical industry does not invest in replacement antibiotics because they don't make money. I hope governments don't leave it until we have serious problems on our hands.

For now, I feel relaxed and quite well despite these infections. So hope you are all enjoying your weekend. I think I have caught up on comments, apologies if I have missed any!

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